Movie review score

When Kenny, Kyle, Stan, and Cartman sneak into an R rated movie, all hell breaks loose. Literally. They go to see Terrance and Philip, a movie starring two Canadians who basically fart and swear at each other. After the movie, the boys head out on the town and impress the rest of the kids with their newfound language. And soon, every child has seen Terrance and Philip and every child is swearing.
The parent's quickly retaliate. Led by Kyle's uptight mother, MAC is formed (Mothers against Canada). They seek to rid the world of Terrance and Philip and keep Canada under bay. But when MAC and the United States arrest Terrance and Philip and plan for their execution, Canada takes action and invades the United States, killing the Baldwin brothers. MAC quickly convinces President Clinton to strike back with full military force.
Meanwhile, the boys are still sneaking in to see Terrance and Philip and are still swearing, even though Cartman has a V-Chip installed in his brain which gives him electric shocks every time he swears. When they here that Terrance and Philip are going to be executed, they are outraged but don't have the will power to stand up to their parents. But, down in Hell, Kenny, who died after lighting himself on fire, knows that more is on the line than just two Canadian lives. With the death of Terrance and Philip, Satan and his lover, Saddam Husein, will finally be able to take over the Earth.

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